I was teaching assistant for the following courses
ENPM645 - Human Robot Interaction
Provided office hours, co-delivered lectures, designed and graded assignments. Topics covered include:
- Fundamentals of AI
- Types of Deep Learning architectures and their use cases
- Basics of Human Robot Interaction
- Project Planning
- Cognitive Psychology
- Storyboarding in HRI
ENPM673 - Perception for Autonomous Robots
Delivered Tutorial on Python and OpenCV, created assignments on following topics:
- Lenses and Image formation
- Ball Tracking and Curve Fitting(LS, TLS, RANSAC)
- Homography estimation and image stiching from scratch
- Hough transform based virtual reality implementation
- Epipolar Geometry, Stereo Camera Calibration
- Optical flow based velocity estimation
- Semantic Segmentation using Deep Learning